“You are The Light of the World” –
Macau’s First Circle Painting Ever Created in SPC


Under the supervision of the legendary American artist, Mr. Hiep Nguyen, 30 representatives from SPC students, staffs, College Fellows and Affiliates, volunteer tutors and partnering organization created Macau’s first Circle Painting wall mural in SPC on 21st of October 2017.
The art form of “Circle Painting” was first created by artist Mr. Nguyen and its popularity has been spread to over 20 countries all over the world since 2007.
It is a collaborative artwork not only about painting circles and creating memory, but also engaging each participant to input their own idea, line, shape or color that takes the artwork to a higher level of inspiration and turns this creation into a learning process of one becoming part of the whole.
“For me, Circle Painting is a healing process” said Mr. Nguyen.
Thanks to the efforts of Ms. Grace Kuan, the General Secretary of the Macao Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), who invited Mr. Nguyen to come to Macau.
“Circle Painting can apply to all. The beauty of it is allowing us to gain an insight of a person’s feeling without involving words and other complex medium,” Ms. Kuan said.
The group of 30 representatives of SPC, who play an important role in building up the College since its inauguration in 2014, jointly created a 2M X 5M wall mural with the theme of “You are The Light of the World”.
The theme – being the motto of the College – symbolizes SPC’s desire that its students will shine brilliantly as stars in the sky and radiate the light of inspiration in all direction.
“It is a collective memory for us all and will stand here for the years to come.” said Prof. Kenneth Leung, the Master of SPC.
In addition to the wall mural, three colorful banners with the theme of the core values of SPC – “faith”, “hope” and “love” – were created by the group.
All participants gave positive feedback regarding the Circle Painting project, (to quote some):
“I can feel the pleasure of creating art through Circle Painting and it’s a new experience for me! This deeply inspires me and brings joy to life.” – Jack Lin
“Circle Painting is not about focusing on the technique but allowing us to learn from each other!” – Mandy Hong



2017年10月21日,在藝術家Hiep Nguyen先生的監督下,由學生、職員、導師、志願者組成的30名紹邦書院的代表共同創作了澳門第一幅圓圈壁畫。

圓圈繪畫是由美國藝術家Hiep Nguyen先生始創,自2007年以來,它的作品與名氣已經傳遍了全球20多個國家。這一活動的價值並不只是大家一起畫圈、留下美好回憶,更是一個將個人融入整體的學習過程。在這一過程中,每個成員都貢獻自己的想法、線條、色彩,從而使藝術創作的靈感更上一層樓。

Hiep Nguyen先生說:“對我來說,這是一個治癒的過程。”

本次活動之所以能順利舉辦,要感謝澳門基督教青年會秘書長關女士邀請Hiep Nguyen先生來澳。“圓圈繪畫可以適用於所有人。”關女士說,“它美好的地方是無需用太多言語技巧,透過繪畫簡單的圓圈能深入了解人的感受。”



此外,活動成員們還集體設計了三個色彩亮麗的掛畫,其主題亦與紹邦書院的核心價值—— “信”、“望”和“愛”——互相呼應。



“Art for all, all for art,” Mr. Nguyen led the 30 representatives from SPC students, staffs, College Fellows and Affiliates, volunteer tutors and partnering organization to chant about the community spirit involved in creating “Circle Painting”



Mr. Nguyen giving instructions on painting wall mural


Painting circle on the wall at SPC


Collective effort seeing result


Core members in organizing Circle painting project at SPC


The art form of “Circle Painting” is first created by American artist Mr. Hiep Nguyen and its popularity has been spread to over 20 countries in the world since 2007

圈圈繪畫由美國藝術家Hiep Nguyen先生始創,自2007年以來,它的名氣已經傳遍了全球20多個國家。

Thanks to the efforts of Ms. Grace Kuan, the General Secretary of the Macao Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA), who invited Mr. Nguyen to come to Macau.

本次活動之所以能順利舉辦,要感謝澳門基督教青年會秘書長關女士邀請Hiep Nguyen先生來澳。

The first “Circle Painting” in Macau, being created at SPC on Oct-21, 2017


Group photo of all 30 representatives in Circle painting
