SPC on “The Shawshank Redemption”

SPC students enjoyed an evening of movie appreciation on February 21, 2017, as part of their floor activities, organized by SPC’s second floor committee. “The Shawshank Redemption”, which lasted for two and a half hours attracted a total of 56 SPCers. Professor Andy Fan, from the Faculty of Education, and an SPC college affiliate, facilitated a post-show time discussion.

          “The Shawshank Redemption” is about a banker Andy who was framed and put in the Shawshank prison. Eventually, he used a rock hammer attempting to break away from prison and he did. During the discussion, Prof. Fan and SPCers shared their reflections. One of the students pointed out the key to freedom being the sense of hope, which gained warm applause from other participants. Prof. Fan quoted from the movie as a summary, “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies”.


2017年2月21日,紹邦書院二樓的樓層委員會舉辦了樓層活動 ── 電影欣賞會。《肖申克的救贖》吸引了56名宿生,活動共持續了兩個半小時。來自教育學院的書院導師(College Affiliate)范進偉教授也主持了觀影後的討論。



Prof. Andy Fan discussed with students after movie show / 范進偉教授跟同學們在觀影后討論


Students greeted Prof. Andy Fan’s sharing with warm applause / 同學們對范進偉教授的分享致以熱烈掌聲