“Shine” – The 4th English Camp of Shiu Pong College

  Shiu Pong College (SPC) organized its 4th English Camp (EC) on Sept. 2-4. The two-and-a-half-day camp, with the theme of “SHINE” and the kind assistance of 20 English-speaking volunteer tutors, attracted more than 50 SPCers. Packed with fun games, meaningful workshops, enlightening thematic discussions, inspiring human book sharing and out-door sports activities, the “SHINE” camp ended with deep personal reflections from participating students:


“This English Camp made my heart feel warm, helped me improve my English and helped me

become a braver person,”

“I learned more about myself and my dream,”

“You guys gave me a feeling just like at home, like a family,”

“Full of Love,” “…it is meaningful as well as interesting,”

“…(it) improve my English proficiency and confidence,”

“a place makes me feel loved and cared,” “a place for you to learn English with excitement.”


Of all 52 participating students, 32 are freshmen, and over 90 percent of them said this EC had enhanced their ability to speak in English and all (100 per cent) expressed that they would invite their friends to join the next EC.


The theme of this EC is “SHINE”, echoing the SPC motto of “You are the Light of the World,” with camp tutors coming to SPC’s help as “shining models.”  These 20 English speaking volunteers, with prior experience of living in either US, Canada, New Zealand or Australia, include medical doctor, lawyer, financial analyst, bankers and architect.  They spent two-and-a-half months preparing for this camp because they identify with SPC’s whole person education philosophy in integrating leadership training with experiential learning opportunities.


Throughout the time of the camp, students participated in small groups of 9-10 in ice-breaking games to know one another, workshops to enhance understanding of individual identity and personality, excursion to Macau to engage in cultural exchange and appreciation, movie night to facilitate discussion on purposive life, out-door sports activities to enable team-building, human book library to share unique life stories, workshop on use of languages of love, and plenty of opportunities to encourage social chatting in English, during which times bonding and friendship were established.


Students appeared to have learned more than conversational English in the EC, as many of them wrote in the feedback survey “it is not only about English, it is about life.”




2016年9月2日至4日,紹邦書院舉辦了建院以來的第四次英語營。是次英語營以“燃亮“ (SHINE) 為主題,有20名志願者導師熱情參與,吸引了超過50名學生。










本次英語營的主題 (“燃亮” SHINE) 出自于紹邦書院的院訓——你們是世上的光。20位志願者導師擁有豐富的海外生活經歷,他們曾經生活過的地方包括美國、澳大利亞、加拿大和新西蘭,其職業包括醫生、律師、財經分析員、銀行業者和建築師等。因為認同紹邦書院的全人教育理念,即把領袖訓練和體驗式教育整合在一起,熱情的導師們花了2個半月的時間來準備這次英語營的活動。








Students introducing themselves in English / 學生們用英語自我介紹



Group discussing on Stress Management / 關於“壓力管理”的小組討論



Students learning different types of personalities / 成員們學習人的不同類型



 Performing drama in English / 用英語表演話劇



Birthday celebration to an English Camp member / 為一個成員慶祝生日



Students sharing their feeling on English Camp / 同學分享對EC的感想



Playing games on trust / 考驗互相信任的遊戲



Playing games on team work / 考驗團隊合作的遊戲