International Exchange with Japanese Students on “English Day”


On March 16th, Shiu Pong College (SPC) organized a special English Day on – “Global Perspective and Cultural Exchange” – in Engl       ish – with Japanese students from Hyogo University of Japan.

There were nearly 50 participants, including 26 SPC students, 8 students from Hyogo University, 7 English volunteer tutors and 5 university teachers. The program started at 7:30 p.m., with participants enjoying dinner and delightful snacks of Macau in tables of five or six each while using English to chat with one another, making self-introduction. This was followed by 5 SPC students sharing the history, culture and current development of Macao. In return, the Japanese students introduced their university life and characteristic food culture of Japan. Two hours passed fast and the event came to a close with SPC students sending off their new friends, though wishing them stay longer. The event broadened the horizon of participants from different countries and cultures, and increased their understanding of each other. “This is the charm of English.”




參與者們相繼落座,互相自我介紹 After finding their seats, participants making self-introduction to each other

紹邦書院的學生向日本學生介紹澳門特色小食 SPC students introducing signature snacks of Macau to Japanese students

同學們一邊吃飯,一邊熱情地交談 Students enjoying group chatting during dinner

紹邦書院的學生介紹澳門的歷史 SPC students introducing the history of Macau

兵庫大學的學生介紹日本的便當文化 Students of Hyogo University introducing the culture of take-out food in Japan

梁偉賢院長與兵庫縣立大學的陳來幸教授互贈紀念品 Master Leung exchanging mementos with Prof. Laixing Chen from Hyogo University

梁偉賢院長向兵庫縣立大學的學生贈送澳門大學及紹邦書院的資料 Master Leung presenting students of Hyogo University information packs about the University of Macau and SPC

全體大合照 Group picture with all participants