From High School to University

Shiu Pong College 1st High Table Dinner (2017/2018)


Are you ready for the transition from high school to university? On September 19, 2017, College Master Professor Kenneth Leung presented to the new students with a seemingly simple, but profound question, which provoked students and guests to ponder deeply.

There were about 200 students and 15 guests attending this first High Table Dinner of SPC for AY 2017-18. As the keynote speaker, Master Leung contrasted the differences between high school and university education. For example, high school focuses on providing answers, while university focuses on asking questions; high school focuses on the acquisition of existing knowledge, while university education explores new knowledge; high school focuses on laying a foundation with segmented modules of knowledge; while university links up different disciplinary knowledge and develops in student the ability of lifelong learning. Steadfastly, Master Leung hoped that all students should maintain a sense of curiosity, pursue truth, and maintain kindness and elegance, asking questions courageously, living up to challenges, not fearing frustrations and mistakes, caring one another and connecting together as a loving family at SPC.

The dinner was interspersed with two wonderful performances, which received continuous applauses from students and guests. One was a piano solo by Sherry Huang, who played the tunes of “Melody of the Night #5” and “Bid Time Return”. Another was a Pipa solo by Octeven Gao, playing “Shi Mian Mai Fu.”

As it was the first time for year-1 students to attend a High Table Dinner at SPC, many stayed behind to take pictures of each other as their mementos.

從高中到大學: 你準備好嗎?







The first High Table Dinner of SPC / 紹邦書院本年度第一次高桌晚宴

Opening remark by College Master Prof. Leung / 梁偉賢院長致開幕詞

College Anthem by Choir / 合唱團領唱院歌

Prof. Leung analyzing the difference in high school and university education / 梁偉賢院長分析高中教育和大學教育的區別

Piano solo Performance “Melody of the Night #5” by Miss Sherry Huang / 黃數妍同學演奏鋼琴曲《夜的鋼琴曲第五章》

Pipa Solo Performance “Shi Mian Mai Fu” by Miss Octeven Gao / 高慈君同學演奏琵琶《十面埋伏》

Group photo of Prof. Leung, Ms. Leung, all guests and performers / 梁偉賢院長、梁夫人、所有嘉賓及表演者合影