“Dream and Fly High Paper Plane Workshop”

On February 22, 2017, four SPC students, Ma Ieng (year 3), U King Lok (year 3), Lao Chi Fai (year 3) and Tang Choi I (year 2), shared their experience of pursuing their dreams and journeys to winning regional and international paper plane competitions in the SPC workshop on “Dream and Fly High”. All the four students are from the Electromechanical Engineering Department (EME of FST) and had won awards in different paper plane competitions in Macau, China and other parts of the world. Ma Ieng won the second place in the longest flying time category in the 2015 Red Bull Paper Wings event, beating more than 46,000 contestants from 80 countries and regions.

During the workshop, they recounted how this simple personable interest had helped to shape their character in persevering in spite of setbacks and frustrations, learning humbly from one another and tirelessly seeking ways to improve their plane designs. They explained how paper plane designs work in terms of aerodynamics and demonstrated different types of design. At the end, every participant had a chance to make and test flying his or her own paper plane.

The workshop attracted 70 students. According to the feedback survey, students were surprised by the sophisticated design knowledge behind what appeared to be a child’s paper plane. They were also touched by the four student’s passion and perseverance in overcoming difficulties in pursuing their dreams of life. One student said “I learnt that dreams are not just for dreaming.”


二零一七年二月二十二日,四名紹邦書院學生,分享了他們在追求夢想和贏得紙飛機比賽的過程與體驗。四名學生都是來自機電工程系,並在澳門,中國和世界各地不同的紙飛機比賽中獲獎。 馬英曾經在2015年世界紙飛機大賽中擊敗80個國家和地區、超過46千名選手,贏得最長飛行時間組別的亞軍。

在分享中,四位同學,分別為馬英(三年級),余健樂(三年級),劉 輝(三年級)和鄧翠儀(二年級),敘述了他們在參與、失敗、成功中如何陪養出個人在沮喪中的堅持,相互謙卑的學習,不懈地尋求改進的性格。在經驗分享後,他們更給同學們講解紙飛機的原理和演示不同類型的設計。最後,同學們學會了制作一款沒有翼的特別紙飛機。

這次活動吸引了70位同學參加,在活動反饋調查中,學生們表示,他們被看起來像是孩子玩意的紙飛機的精妙設計所驚訝。他們也被四位同學的熱情和堅持不懈地克服困難與追求夢想的努力所感動。一位學生說 “我學到夢想不只是為了做夢!”

4 EME students sharing how they overcame difficulties in designing paper planes


U Kin Lok and Ma Ieng explains paper plane design and physics
