
由紹邦書院院生會文化藝術與社會活動部合辦的 認識書法講座工作坊 在2017年2月21日晚上圓滿進行。本次活動邀請了來自教育學院的王致勝教授和來自法學院的何慶文老師為同學們講解書法之美,與同學們分享收藏和練習書法的經驗。




Chinese Calligraphy Starters’ Seminar & Workshop


On February 21, 2017, Professor Zhisheng Wang from the Faculty of Education and Mr. Henry Ho from the Faculty of Law conducted a workshop for students at Shiu Pong College (SPC) on the appreciation of of Chinese calligraphy. This event was organized by the House Association of SPC. Prof. Wang explained the beauty of Chinese calligraphy, while Mr. Ho illustrated the art with his own collections of Chinese calligraphy artifacts.

There were more than 40 SPC students participating in the workshop. Students were found largely engaged in the lively introduction and illustration of the art of Chinese calligraphy. After the presentation, students had a chance to experience the charm of calligraphy through actual writing practice. “Calligraphy was so interesting,” a student said excitedly while showing his work to others, exhibiting great interest in the beauty of calligraphy.

In the calligraphy hands-on session, the work of student Wanlin Liu (劉萬霖同學) won the unanimous appreciation of the two guest speakers.

In the feedback survey, many participants expressed their interest in the art of calligraphy, especially hoping that the College will proceed to organize a calligraphy interest group.

Calligraphy 1

Students were engaged by Prof. Wang explaining how calligraphy reflects the calligrapher’s feelings 學生投入聽王教授講解書法如何表達書法家的情感

Calligraphy 2

Prof. Wang explaining a famous calligraphy work, Langtingji Xu, written by the well-known calligrapher Wang Xizhi from the East Jin Dynasty 王教授講解東晉書法家王羲之的蘭亭集序

Calligraphy 3

Mr. Henry Ho demonstrating how to make ink by grinding ink stick on ink stone 何老師在示範如何用墨和硯來磨墨

Calligraphy 4

Mr. Ho showing his rare collection of calligraphy tools and famous calligraphy work 何老師在展示他收藏的珍貴書法用具和墨寶

Calligraphy 5

Students practicing calligraphy writing with Chinese poem 學生在體驗練習書寫唐詩

Calligraphy 6

The winner, Wanlin Liu, of the calligraphy competition 在比賽勝出的劉萬霖同學

Calligraphy 7

Wanlin Liu received his certificate with his name written by Mr. Ho with calligraphy brush pen for winning the competition劉萬霖同學領受由何老師寫上同學名字的證書