



A New Attempt in SPC Experiential Learning: “Situational Drama” with “Moot Court”

On April 24, SPC experimented a new approach in its experiential learning programs - an evening of combining a drama play by SPC Drama Club, a moot court debate on the drama story by SPC Debate Team, and a jury decision by all 47 participating students - the audience.

The drama story was about a young man who murdered a loan shark in order to get away from the massive debt bequeathed to him from his father. Then he lost his complete memory in a traffic accident. With a new identity, the young man continued his new life elsewhere for ten years before being arrested by the police in his home town.

In the moot court, the prosecutor and the defence lawyer debated on whether the young man should be held responsible for murdering the loan shark. Medical doctor, university professor, neighbor of the alleged, social worker were called to the court one by one, to testify from their professional and/or personal perspectives. Finally, the court jury composed of all audience of the evening handed down the verdict, with 34 YES versus 13 NO. The court ruled that the young man was convicted of murder.

“Hopefully, both the performers and the audience will be able to reflect on the legal and ethical aspect of the story, sensitized to a life situation with multiple perspectives and leave with some soul searching to do,” said SPC Associate Master Dr. Kam Hou Vat in his closing remark. Participating students, on the other hands, expressed that such an evening program was indeed creative and interesting. The drama performance was stimulating while the moot court debate provoked them to reflect deeper on the meaning of law and justice.

男主角(左)與父親(右)發生口角 / Lead character (left) and his father (right) having a quarrel

警察盤問男主角 / Police questioning the lead character

失憶后的男主角(左)與妻子(右)和鄰居(中)愉快聊天 / The lead character suffering amnesia (left), his wife (right) and a neighbor (middle) having a pleasant chat

律師(左)為男主角(右)在法庭上辯護 / A lawyer (left) defending the lead character (right) in the court

檢察官(左)質詢證人(右) / Prosecutor (left) questioning a testifier

法官清點觀眾投票 / The judge counting votes from audience

話劇社、辯論隊成員、兩位書院導師與屈鑑濠副院長合影 / Drama club, Debate Team, two Resident Fellows and SPC Associate Master Kam Hou Vat joining for a group photo