“A Life Long Learning Journey”
Shiu Pong College’s 2nd High Table Dinner (2017/2018)

Professor Haydn Chen, former Vice Rector of Student Affairs at the University of Macau and world renowned materials scientist, talked to 200 SPCers at the 2nd SPC High Table Dinner (HTD) in the evening of Nov 27, explaining the importance of lifelong learning in meeting the challenges of the 21st century in a fast changing world with closer cooperation, fairer competition and more environmental concerns. As college students need to be prepared for a longer working life and changes in career development, the ability to learn and to adapt becomes particularly essential. The educational goals of this century should be instilling in students both hard and soft skills, training them to be an educated and civilized person.

Guests of the HTD included 14 college fellows and affiliates from different faculties, who had a nice catching up with Professor Chen during the tea reception. Besides the HTD speech, the dinner was interspersed with two performances, college anthem and “Perhaps love” by SPC College Choir, as well as a toasting session by College Master.

The HTD evening turned out to be an occasion of joy not only for SPCers, but also for Master Leung who was surprised by students from SPC’s English Program and Dream Building Team, when they brought in a birthday cake onto the stage, singing him a birthdate song to express their gratitude and appreciation for his dedicated efforts in SPC.


澳門大學前任學生事務副校長,世界著名材料科學家程海東教授於11月27日晚在第二次紹邦書院高桌晚宴上向200位紹邦學生進行演講,解釋終身學習在迎接21世紀所帶來的挑戰與機遇,如瞬息萬變中所需的緊密合作,更加公平的競爭和解決更多的環境問題。因大學生將面對更長的工作年期和更多職業生涯的改變,而學習力與可塑性在這個時代就變得尤為重要。二十一世紀的教育目標應該是讓學生具備硬實力和軟實力, 成為有教育和有教養的人。


除了主題演講之外,晚宴上還穿插了兩場合唱團的歌唱表演,包括院歌和“也許是愛”,還有由院長主持的祝酒禮。祝酒後, 一群英語桌與築夢小隊學生成員抬出一個生日蛋糕。原來,11月27日也是院長的生日。這些學生為我們敬愛的院長準備了一個驚喜的生日慶祝活動,感激院長對他們的培育。


Prof. Chen explaining the challenges of the 21st century/程教授解說21世紀的挑戰


Master Leung presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Prof. Chen/梁院長送紀念品給程教授


About 200 students participated in the dinner/ 這次晚宴有約200名紹邦學生參加

SPC College Fellow, Prof. Brian Chan, leading a performance by SPC’s College Choir “Perhaps Love”/紹邦非駐院導師陳學成教授領導紹邦書院合唱團演唱“也許是愛”

Master Leung was surprised by student’s birthday arrangement/梁院長被學生的生日慶祝安排所驚喜


A group picture with Master Leung (right 7), Prof. Chen (left 7), guests and college choir members/梁院長(右七)與程教授(左七),眾賓客和合唱團大合照留念