SPC Mid-Autumn Celebration 2016

On September 14, 2016, the evening before Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, SPC held a celebration party organized by her House Association (HA), Floor Resident Tutors (RTs) as well as Resident Assistants (RAs). The party installed 8 game booths, attracting more than 150 SPC students to join.

Days before the celebration party, SPC students had started the house decorations with colorful festival lanterns and exquisite Chinese paper-cuts, filling the college with a sense of festivity.

The celebration party was composed of two parts: game booths and lucky draw sessions. Students engaged themselves in discovering different stories rich in Chinese culture, through fun booth activities such as mooncake production workshop, lantern riddle guessing, creative calligraphy writing on Chinese paper fans, poem reading, and solving Mid-Autumn Festival related riddles. All booths were crowded with students eager to experience the fun.

In the mooncake workshop, students handmade their own cakes with ingredients and styles of personal favor; in creative calligraphy writing/painting, students practiced their calligraphy art on Chinese fans with the theme to express festival blessings.

The Mid-Autumn celebration party ended with the luck draw that heightened the excitement of all students. SPC College Master first conveyed a warm welcome, followed by a sequence of prize presentations. Students, surprised by the joy of cheers and gifts, filled the SPC garden with happy moods of smiling faces and laughter.

Through fun and cultural engaging activities, the evening program ended with a rich appreciation of Chinese culture and the joy of Mid-Autumn Festival. Both students from Macau and from afar were able to feel the warmth at SPC, our students’ home away from home.



2016年9月14日,農歷丙申年中秋前夕,為慶祝一年一度的中秋節,紹邦書院院生會(House Association, HA) 及各樓層導師(Resident Tutors, RT) 和樓層助理 (Resident Assistant, RA)為大家舉辦了中秋園遊聯歡晚會。此次活動設立了多達8個遊戲攤位,吸引了150多位同學參加。



在中秋遊園會接近尾聲的時候,也到了激動人心的抽獎時刻,抽獎之前,院長向同學送上像家人般的問安與祝福,然後抽出一二三等獎, 獎品是精美的盒裝冰皮月餅,令中秋節的快樂一直洋溢在大家的笑臉上。

吟詩作畫 、談笑風生,這次紹邦中秋園遊會不僅傳承了中華傳統文化,更讓紹邦充滿了中秋的團圓幸福感覺。無論是澳門還是國內的同學,都能在是次活動中感受到家的溫暖。




One of the flavors for the mooncake workshop is sesame paste/月餅工作坊其中一口味是芝麻泥



Two exchange students from Norway having fun at the mooncake workshop/從挪威來的兩個交換生在學造月餅



Students concentrating in writing “Beautiful flower under full moon” in Chinese/學生在靜心來書寫『花好月圓』



Students serving badminton shuttles into boxes/學生把羽毛球發送進紙箱裡



Students blowing out candles while loudly reciting Chinese poem/學生一邊吟出正確詩句,利用吟唱的氣息吹滅蠟燭